Friday, October 8, 2010

There is no question about it, I hate Math.

Do you hate math? If you do, you are not alone. You are among the many people who would agree with you. There are multiple subjects that students are required to take during their years of schooling. Some of the topics that are necessary for you to take are science classes, most likely a history course along the way, English, and the hasty subject, math. Why is math so painful to students? One may argue that there is no real explanation for it and the explanation can not be proven. But isn't science the same way? There is not an explanation for everything. Although, there are some practices in science that have been proven that you can not argue with, such as photosynthesis, the three laws of motion and gravity. But in math, how can we be sure that the number “pi” doesn't end, or how about the number known as “e”? 'This might lead people to think that because they do not understand one type of math, or one concept, how would they ever be able to understand anything else. Because they do not understand certain concepts, and feel like they aren't able to learn new concepts because the previous concepts are not clear.'
Like most things, there is usually an easier way to get around it by a different learning style. If people wanted to take the extra time and think of alternative ways to learning a type of math, they would probably understand better and even begin to like it.

Spending “hours pouring over questions that make little sense” is something that all mathematicians have done to become successful. Not all people find math as a difficult task, like Mae McSweeny. In her document, she does provide the information from an unofficial survey taken that seventy percent of the “worlds school children claimed to hate maths”. Just from this little bit of information, I wonder how people were questioned in this survey and how it would relate to the world population. She also says that “in Ireland, Maths has the highest failure rate of any subject at school-leaving level”.

Again, the question is, why do people hate math so much? Another reason may be because of the teacher. After reading multiple articles, including Mae McSweeny's, they say that they can blame the teachers for having a great influence on the student's liking for mathematics. If students go through a year of having a bad math teacher, or multiple years of bad teachers, they are less likely to follow the teachers teaching methods, or enjoy the class. I have had this experience multiple times during my years of high school. For example, I have been told that physics was a very interesting course and that it would help me understand more of the mathematical side of things in the world. Which for some reason I was interested about. Then, I met my teacher. My whole thought process of wanting to learn physics turned completely off, I automatically hated from the first day. The class was horrible because I was not able to grasp the teacher's concepts, ways of teaching, for he only had one way to describe anything topic, and on top of it all, I was the only girl in a classroom full of rowdy boys.


  1. Here is a site that represents pi in many different ways...

  2. It's funny that you talked about physics because it was my high school physics teacher that caused me to major in physics! It actually is a really great subject, especially for those who like math, because it explains how and why things happen (gravity, billiards, car crashes, etc.) You should give it another shot! I also love all the research you are putting into your blogs! Well done!
